September 11, 2007

  • Once again, the creature of "pride" is looming it's head up in my life. How can something so huge remain for so long hidden and unnoticed? Yet, here I am, being forced to realize the presence of this sin (since that is exactly what it is) inside of me, and the effects that it is having on my vertical, as well as horizontal relationships.

    Frankly, pride is idolatry. Placing something else as higher and more important than God in my life. And this idolatry is being manifested in how I am being more concerned with how other people think of me, rather than what God thinks. 2 Tim. 2:15, the classic passage, tells of being approved unto God...and no others. Approved unto God, looking to Him as the ultimate say in who I am and how I'm doing. Yet, it's hard be satisfied with God's approval when you DON'T have the approval of those around you, but it's also hard to disregard the approval of others when you DO have it, and be concerned ONLY with God's approval.

    I don't want my security to be found in people or things. As Life Action's founder put it so many years ago, insecurity is the result of putting my confidence and trust in people and things that can be taken away from me. If I'm looking to those sources for my sense of security, then I will soon find, and am even now finding, that there is no approval found through them. No true, honest approval. So, what things can NOT be taken from me? The only this is my relationship with Christ, found through the Living Word (Christ himself) and the Written Word (the Bible). So, if I want to achieve the "security" that we were created by God to desire, the only way of gaining that is to drop my care, and take off running for the Cross. Spending more time alone with Him, and spending more time delving into the mysteries of His Word.

    Prov. 29:25 "The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is secure."

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