May 1, 2007

  • The past few weeks have been so full of so much. So many different changes, so many different reactions, so many different eye-opening experiences, so many reality much love from my Saviour! Even when I'm not displaying love for Him, He's still pouring it out on me!

    We just got back off of an unexpected week off, where we, as a team, were able to kick back, refocus, and get spiritually connected again. The mountians of east Tennessee was a remarkable place to stay for a few days! Hiking, relaxing, hot-tubbing, aaah...what a wonderful time!

    On Wednesday, we went to Mountain Mission School...which is really a fancy name for what it really is. An orphanage. I didn't know that orphanages still exhisted! But there settles into the mountains, was a place that homed 250 kids, from infants to early twenties. While there, God showed me SO much about the blessings that I have, but also just the heart-breaking need that SO many children have! Some kids abandoned, some with only one parents, some abused, some not knowing who and where their parents are...ALL desperately in need of love! I would love to go back someday, and pour out God's love into all those little girls who came running up to me, a complete stranger, and hugged and held onto me and wouldn't let go!

    Three more weeks, folks! I am so excited about going home to see my family, who I haven't seen since December, but am also so sad, as I see this wonderful year coming to a close! Wow, a whole summer without seeing these dear people who have been my entire life the past 9 months of my life? What'll I do?? But to see my family again! I can't wait!

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