February 4, 2007

  • It feels like every where I turn, I see God doing something amazing, either in my life or someone's life around me! I almost wonder what God is doing, because He's doing SO much, where is He going to take me? It's an adventure!

    We are in Mississippi now, at an absolutely gorgeous church that was recently built after having burned to the ground two years ago. My partner Shanna is sitting through the services, so Crystal is teaching with me, and so far it's been a total blast! God has faithfully been giving me a heavy burden for every church we've gone into so far this half of the year, and a special burden for Dynamite Club. I KNOW that God can and will do great things in these children's live, as well as in the teens and the adults here! God has continued to develop my prayer life through this, as He keeps calling me into deeper and more passionate times of intersession for the people around me, as well as strengthening my faith in believing that God not only CAN do big things, but that He WILL, and IS doing them. What an amazing promise from the Lord!

    I was reading last week in 1 Corinthians, where Paul is admonishing the church in Corinth to not claim their salvation through him, or Apollos, or any other. And the passage "I planted, Apollos watered, but GOD gave the growth." It's easy to think how good "Life Action" is, and how WE are bringing revival. But God has been showing me alot about infestation of pride, and that brief passage was a good reminder to me that no matter what we do, no matter how well we teach or sing our songs...nothing will come of it, unless God does something. And so, that passage is continually popping up in my mind throughout the day, and has been a good reminder for to be faithful in prayer, not only for my own spiritual growth, but also in praying specifics for the people around me, including my team-members.

    Wow, folks, I wish you could see a window into my life! There is so much that I would love to share with you, so many lessons, miracles, and answered prayers saturating my life, but I will just say in the words of Mary...

     "My soul doth magnify the Lord, for He that is mighty has done GREAT things in my life, and worthy is HIS name!"

Comments (2)

  • Thanks for sharing that passage this morning; and it was good for me to read it again :) Love ya.

  • Praise the Lord, Kellie! He is doing so many great things in your life right now. That is wonderful! I *cannot* wait to see you! Wow! I don't know if you got my facebook wall post, but I was at a meeting tonight, so you couldn't reach me. I am so sorry! Is there any way you could call tomorrow or you could give me a number that I can reach you at? Just message me if you can. Thanks! I'm continuing to pray for you! I know God is growing you so much, and I can't wait to hear about it from you! Yea! Anway, I hope you have a fantastic day! Love you and miss you, Kel!!!


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